It is quite difficult for the marketing representatives to remain in the attention of the Doctors. This challenge is fulfilled through attractive and informative doctor reminder card. Reminder cards leave a unique impact on doctors‛ mind. Pharma companies have greater chances of promoting their products with this card.
However, physicians and specialists are surrounded by numerous cards, brochures, and product catalogues. It requires special skills on the part of the designer to win their attention. Here is a short overview on how to select doctor reminder card design.
Essentials of Doctor Reminder Card
In order to gain attention, doctor reminder card should have the following features. As a pharma visual aid designing, one needs to be careful about all such requirements. If a company is not providing sufficient information, the designer should ask for the same.
As you choose pharma reminder card, make sure it showcases the following essentials for better marketing.
#1 Basic Information
Any doctor reminder card should carry basic information regarding the product. It might also show the product range of the company. They work wonders when you want to promote a new brand or new product.
#2 Creative and Suggestive Design
A reminder card is generally a leave behind the card that sales person leaves with the doctors. It is helpful in reminding brand or product in the doctor‛s mind. Though small, it needs to be highly creative and eye-catching. Suggestive and relevant as well attractive design will make LBC impressive.
#3 Cover Contact Information
It won’t serve the purpose if the leave behind cards does not have usable contact information. It should clearly show business name and contact number in a legible manner.
#4 Be Careful About Loud Marketing or Over branding
Reminder card is a small marketing card. Though it should cover basic information, it should not be loud in anyway. Over branding will create a negative impact on your company. The kind of narration and designs your house should be practical and balanced. A neat visual in mild colours and to the point information will work better.
#5 Quality of Paper
If you go for cheap quality papers, it will again have a negative impact. By using the high-quality paper material, you show how serious is your company. Quality will also keep your card intact for a longer time.
If you have multiple product range, it would be good to have separate cards. Cards will represent your brand to the doctors. With good information and quality, it would be easier to differentiate your brand from others.